Sunday, July 1, 2012

Slow Summer Daze..........

Sales have been so slow lately, summer is generally a slow point of the year but this one has been slower than usual. Some blame eBay's rewrite of Cassini but who really knows. A positive result is that my listings have increased, my accounting is more up to date than before (not caught up, but I'll take it), more blogging has been done (written, not posted), more tweets and more pins. Since I've started doing all this sales have picked up....finally. Social Media has exploded so quickly every time I turnaround there is a new site I just have to use and they are not replacement sites, they are all unique and wonderful in their own ways. Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, FB....what's next???

Here are a few of my recent sales: 

Paid: .50 cents at SA
Sold For: $15.00 in 2 days!

Paid: $1.25 at SA
Sold For: $20.00

Paid: $1.25 at SA
Sold For: $25.00 plus shipping Follow Me on Pinterest